Thursday, August 14, 2008

summer bridge survey

please take the time to take your exist survey. kate and i will cry cry cry when we don't see you everyday.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Over the past four weeks we have had about 7 lectures. Out of all the lectures we have been to what one was most beneficial to you? What did you learn? and why did you like it? Did any of them change the way you view things?

current events

colton will put up a question, but since you already answered sam's question in bulk--i've put up some articles and current events i'd like you to think about and talk about.

please post the news you're interested in too.

Monday, August 11, 2008


What did everyone think of Pineapple Express? if you've seen it. Do you think movies about weed and the support of these movies will maybe have an effect whether or not weed will be legalized one day? or not? and why?

8/11 Blog Question

As we all know, Bernie Mac passed away early Sunday. How do you think people reacted to his death? Will his legacy still be present? How would other comedians (friends) continue on their careers without him there? How does it make you feel?

Essays Due

Hi, everyone.
I've only received emails with essays from two of you! Send the rest my way.


Today, Alexis blog from last week needs to be responded to.  Also, Tiara needs to post a blog question right at the beginning of class so that can be responded to as well.  Colton and Samantha were supposed to do the blog questions last week, but we had presentations in class so --can you two do it for Tuesday?  

Remember to have awesome answers so Kate has stuff to respond to.  

Thursday, August 7, 2008


In case you wanted more information or to visit again--Intuit Museum website is here.

Henry Darger information is here. (Be sure to check out the external links)

I want to, again, invite you to send your papers for review and comments. Both of us check our email often and will be happy to talk to you via email or phone or in person. You just need to reach out to us with reasonable time.

Next week, Monday, we have our last lecture:

ugust 11 – Joan Giroux (Art & Design)

Joan Giroux is an interdisciplinary artist, activist and educator. Ranging from discrete handmade objects, digital photomontage, kinetic sculpture and installation to full-scale theatrical productions and community interventions, her work reflects strong interests in language, history, game theory and social conditioning.
Since 1987 Giroux has received various grants and awards, and performed and exhibited at venues in the US and abroad.

(This sounds really interesting! Think about social art and try to see how she relates her work, if she does, to language and issues of translation.)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What is it about "you" that affects others?

This can be something that is positive or negative.

Why do people change from what they originally were into what they are now?

today's lecture

August 6 – Kevin Henry (Art & Design)
The title of the talk could be: The Many Ironies of Technology.
The content will be a brief exploration of the way in which technologies are both liberating and confining, life affirming and life threatening, life enhancing and life diminishing. I will talk about the ways in which technology (which I define as anything that amplifies or extends our abilities as humans- including the pencil, the printing press, the ipod, etc.) can radically alter not only our lives (for good and bad) but more importantly our habits, outlooks, and ways of doing things and how it often takes a generation or more to even notice the change. I will also talk about the ways in which humans embrace and battle these changes.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Why do we talk about identity so much? How do you relate to people the most? Is there a certain technique that you use to get to know others?

8/5 Question 2

Do you think that the music you listen to somehow affects you in the way you dress, talk, or view things? Would you be able to go a day without listening to music? What types of music do you listen to and why?

Science in the News

violence hangs over animal researchers:

how is this related to our lecture yesterday? what do you think about this?

Monday, August 4, 2008

8/5 question

Think about the punk ass government... Why do you think we have completely ridicoulous laws?Think of 1 law that if you could you would change.Why this law? What do you think would be the aftermath to this law becoming legal?

August 5, 2008

Do you believe you will be the same person that you are now in ten years? As in style, maturity, and interests. Do you think that it is impossible to stay the same? Were you the way you are even five years ago, or has all these things changed?

today's lecture

August 4 – Heather Wols (Math & Science)

Title: Choreographing the immune response: the delicate dance between microbes and man. A story of the plasma cell.

We are bombarded with germs on a daily basis, yet we are rarely sick! This protection is due, in part, to specific white blood cells of our immune system called plasma cells. The sole function of these cells is to produce immune proteins called antibodies, which circulate through our body surveying for pathogens. Specifically, my research is focused on determining the necessary elements in the bone marrow environment that promote plasma cell survival. The results of this research will provide understanding of the components necessary for lasting antibody production and may have implications for greater vaccine efficacy and enhanced immunity. 

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bridge Guest Policy

This weekend I have friends in town, two of which attend Columbia and have their Columbia cards. I went to go check them in and all was going well until I had to show the security my ID. After seeing it, they said "oh, you can't have guests," immediately I replied "I pay $1,250 to NOT have guests?" They tell me it's not their problem. I was just curious as to how I pay the same as everyone else in the building, and yet I cannot have guests while others have them all the live long day. I would like for someone to show me where it is written that I cannot have guests because frankly I believe that is complete bullshit. Especially since two of the three go to Columbia, and the other goes to Loyola. I have seen people in the Bridge program have guests, so I am just utterly baffled. Is what they are doing legal? Can they rightfully tell me I cannot have guests when I pay for all this?