Monday, August 11, 2008

8/11 Blog Question

As we all know, Bernie Mac passed away early Sunday. How do you think people reacted to his death? Will his legacy still be present? How would other comedians (friends) continue on their careers without him there? How does it make you feel?


Josh Ulrich said...

I think people reacted with shock. I don't think anyone outside his family saw it coming because I personally heard nothing about the pnuemonia he had. I believe he will leave a legacy of comedy that not many can recreate. Other comedians will probably continue without him there by never replacing him and always remembering how talented he was.
I felt pretty sad because to me he was very young and seemed to be almost in his prime. Again, it was shocking.

samantha said...

I think a lot of people were really sad about Bernie Mac passing away. I think a lot of people will remember him. I was really sad to hear that he passed away, because i think he is so funny, and i love the movies and shows he has been in.

colton said...

It truely is sad that such a talented respected man had to pass away. This reminds me of when John Ritter died. He was such a funny man and nobody saw it coming. I think that he will get even more credit and respect now. Not that he didn't before but i think that his appreciation will grow.

cduran246 said...

I barely heard today on the radio that he had passed away. I did watch his show a couple of times because he was a really funny guy. I think it was a shock to a lot of people because he seemed like he was in good health. His legacy will still live on because he made people laugh and he was a big icon. I think other friends of his will go through harsh times but always remember what a great person he was and the influence he had on others. It makes me feel sad because he seeemed like a great guy even though i didn't know him personally he still seemed like a very cool person and good father on tv.

samantha said...

Is it somewhat different when a comedian passes away from when an actor passes away? for example Heath Ledger...

Josh Ulrich said...

I think Heath Ledger's death was played out in contrast to Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac. That or I am just not watching the news enough.
To me the media focuses on the wrong things.

Anonymous said...

I think that some people from the communtiy have aknowledged his death.But I don't think that his death git the main stream press like other comedians.This tells me that something is wrong with society and what sticks out to some.There still seems to be seperation between people.Not just racially.But classes of people in general.
This makes me sad but it's also a reality check for people/the world.

colton said...

I think that there are to many unexpected deaths in Hollywood. Like Heath Ledger for example, nodbody was expecting his death and many people were very hurt. He was in the prime of his career and people didn't recognize how much talent he really had until it was to late.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Isaac Hayed died?

Pity Reached by Sound said...

sorry for the typo in last comment. anyway, i think when people who are in the public eye die it matters because it makes us confront mortality in a different way. we don't think about actors as being capable of death. think about the monroe exhibit--if she died when she was older, she wouldn't be the same icon. it's almost better for her image and for however we need her image that she was young and beautiful.

samantha said...

I think all the deaths should all be veiwed equally because it is someones life, they are all people that many people looked up to, that will not be coming back, it is really sad that it seems like one death could seem more important than another. if that makes sense.

Derrick said...

This death was very unexpected. I didn't think Bernie Mac would die anytime soon. People were in love with him and his comedy. He will be truly missed. I think his legacy will still be present. His show ran for 6 years, and still comes on daily during the day. When things like this happen i can't help but to be sad. Bernie Mac got me through countless boring nights, with his standup, and jokes.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

we do seem to care more about "mysterious deaths"--like kurt cobain, michael hutchence.

i used to have a poster of the forever 27 club. i always thought that was creepy and i finally got rid of it.

what about visiting celebrity graves. people go to paris and miss out on french culture and french celebrity so they can see jim morrison's grave.

Josh Ulrich said...

I think the media talks more about death depending on how often they are in the public eye. Since Ledger was always on tv in movies he was talked about more after he died. Especially by teeny boppers. As for Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes, they were view in a more mature persons eyes, therefore the news wouldn't cover it as much because they assume only children are watching.

Derrick said...

Heath Ledgers death was played out. They had news specials and shit. I mean he was a good ass actor too, but then the media had to start the slander. One of the most disrespectful things a person can do is talk about someone in a bad manner while their dead. if he did drugs or if he didn't thats nobody's business.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

a good article about why we care about celebrities and aging and death.

Tiara said...

I personally was shocked that he died Sunday for the fact they said he was doing fine and he was getting out the hospital. for the rumors that was made that Bernie passed already made me feel that this was a JINX. For the others, their pretty much was shocked and hurtful; by it. His legacy will continue on through his past and recent shows, and his funny acts. His close friends will long remember and cherish moments they had. Bernie was a great and funny guy.

Tiara said...

yes his death was unexpected and you wouldn't think of him dieing this soon. it is very sad cuz a lot of people looked up to him and loved his crazy and funny ways he would be missed.

Notso said...

This past weekend I went to a CVS high school reunion. Bernie Mac went to CVS and was two years older than this graduating class. It made the reunion somber but I saw people resolve and strengthen themselves.They celebrated a life that was so jovial and gave so many types of people a laugh.
Whenever some dies, whether I know them personally or not, I become reflective. I think about who they were and how they impacted my life. If death is a certainty, what makes tragic?