What did everyone think of Pineapple Express? if you've seen it. Do you think movies about weed and the support of these movies will maybe have an effect whether or not weed will be legalized one day? or not? and why?
I haven't seen it, it looks halirous though. I think your concern with pot is pretty much too intense. I think if the media keeps talking about pot in a careless manner and trying to be stupid that it will never be legalized. People don't take pot seriously and misuse it and that is why it will probably not be legalized soon. No one smokes responsibly anymore, it's just all a big joke. Kind of like crack.
From what I have seen on late night comedy central about the movie, it looks amazing and humourous. I will be seeing it in Ohio so I am extremely excited.
I want to see it so bad but i just haven't had the chance. I hear everyone talking about it and it gets me mad because they explain what happens in the movie. I think that if they keep on making movies on weed it will not be legalized. It just gives the government a reason why not to make it legal.
One of the best parts was how the guy who got the pineapple express to James Franco's character never died. He got his ass whooped like twice, really bad, and got shot like 6 times.
was that "your concern with pot is to intense" to me? because this is the first time i asked what people thought, thats all i asked...i didnt even say my view on it. cause i could care less if it was legalized or not...it would probably be more expensive if it was legalized, and its not that hard to NOT get caught with it.
I don't think it will help at all. There has been movies about herb since like the 60's. Think about like easy rider, dazed and confused, half baked, ect. No matter what drug or what topic there will be a movie about it. There is many movies about murder and bank robberies is that a step towards making that legal?
Yeah, if you get caught, you kinda deserve the consequences. i dont really care if it's legal or not either. I love it either way. If it was legal, there would definiteley be taxed, and then a dime bag wouldn't be $10. It would be like $10.66 or some shit like that,then how would a weed purchase look on a fucking reciept?
The movie was good I guess.I'm not a pot smoker so I'm just like whatever about the entire situation.I wouldn't like pot to be legalized because that will be the first step to making every other drugs ok to use and abuse.I just think that it's not a good habit to form.Whats the purpose to not be in your state of mind..........
Has anyone seen the movie Refer Madness? It is suppose to be this anti-marijuana movie made in the 1920's I think. The movie was completely ridiculous. everyone who smoked pot either died, went to jail, or went insane. The ideas behind weed smoking has changed but I don't think it will be ever legal.
it wouldn't be the first step to other drugs being legal, because weed was legal at one point in time.The fuckin constution was made on hemp paper. But the government doesn't want you to know that.
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One of the best movies this year. The plot was excellent, the acting was on point, and the shit was funny as hell.
I haven't seen it, it looks halirous though. I think your concern with pot is pretty much too intense. I think if the media keeps talking about pot in a careless manner and trying to be stupid that it will never be legalized. People don't take pot seriously and misuse it and that is why it will probably not be legalized soon.
No one smokes responsibly anymore, it's just all a big joke. Kind of like crack.
I think the fact that we can make movies and magazines and jokes about weed is just another step towards it becoming legal.
From what I have seen on late night comedy central about the movie, it looks amazing and humourous. I will be seeing it in Ohio so I am extremely excited.
I want to see it so bad but i just haven't had the chance. I hear everyone talking about it and it gets me mad because they explain what happens in the movie. I think that if they keep on making movies on weed it will not be legalized. It just gives the government a reason why not to make it legal.
One of the best parts was how the guy who got the pineapple express to James Franco's character never died. He got his ass whooped like twice, really bad, and got shot like 6 times.
was that "your concern with pot is to intense" to me? because this is the first time i asked what people thought, thats all i asked...i didnt even say my view on it. cause i could care less if it was legalized or not...it would probably be more expensive if it was legalized, and its not that hard to NOT get caught with it.
I don't think it will help at all.
There has been movies about herb since like the 60's. Think about like easy rider, dazed and confused, half baked, ect. No matter what drug or what topic there will be a movie about it. There is many movies about murder and bank robberies is that a step towards making that legal?
I digress...
well I haven't seen it yet but I could say that eventually will be legalized for us to use in everyday life.
Yeah, if you get caught, you kinda deserve the consequences. i dont really care if it's legal or not either. I love it either way. If it was legal, there would definiteley be taxed, and then a dime bag wouldn't be $10. It would be like $10.66 or some shit like that,then how would a weed purchase look on a fucking reciept?
The movie was good I guess.I'm not a pot smoker so I'm just like whatever about the entire situation.I wouldn't like pot to be legalized because that will be the first step to making every other drugs ok to use and abuse.I just think that it's not a good habit to form.Whats the purpose to not be in your state of mind..........
weed doesn't put you in a different state of mind if you dont want it to...
Im a really strong believer in "medical mary"...
Im a strong believer in mary period...
Has anyone seen the movie Refer Madness? It is suppose to be this anti-marijuana movie made in the 1920's I think. The movie was completely ridiculous. everyone who smoked pot either died, went to jail, or went insane. The ideas behind weed smoking has changed but I don't think it will be ever legal.
it wouldn't be the first step to other drugs being legal, because weed was legal at one point in time.The fuckin constution was made on hemp paper. But the government doesn't want you to know that.
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