Monday, August 4, 2008

8/5 question

Think about the punk ass government... Why do you think we have completely ridicoulous laws?Think of 1 law that if you could you would change.Why this law? What do you think would be the aftermath to this law becoming legal?


samantha said...

Yah I think there is a lot of ridicoulous laws but I don't think that any of them are THAT hard to live by. I mean they're broken half the time any way, you just have to not get caught. It's hard to say what law should be legalized because if we start legalizing one then people will want a bunch of others legallized. I don't really pay much attention to laws, because I'm pretty good at staying out of trouble.
: ]

Tiara said...

The government is WACK!! We have riducoulous laws cuz the people who makes them could do that which makes no sense at all. Wearing baggy pants is being prohibited in the state of chicago and probably many more. I would change that law for sure because instead of them thimking bout how they would fix guys to pull their pants up, they need to prohibit and make a law that there should be no open gun stores throught the world. This law could change lives and violence. well most people would be happy that some one would think to do this and those who likes violence would have a hard time dealing with it. This is one law they should think about proceeding.

colton said...

I think that they should change the drinking age to 18. I think it is not fair that we can go to war at age 18 but we cant go to the bar and have a drink with our friends and family before we go. How is it that at age 18 you can fully operate a machine gun and kill hundreds of people but if you get caught with a beer you go to court and pay a fine. I understand that at age 18 kids are immature and might not make the best decisions. But I think if it was legal for us at age 18 kids wouldnt go so crazy for it. Also most kids would be in a bar not some crazy house party where they have control of nothing.

colton said...

The baggy pants law is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If a cop tried to get me in trouble for wearing my pants too low I would tell him to straight up fuck off and go deal with real crime.

cduran246 said...

Yea there are a lot of ridiculous laws, if you go onto and go to dumb laws category click on illinois and they have some pretty stupid laws. I think that if i was able to change a law i would not pass the texting while walking law. THAT LAW IS STUPID AS HELL! Why would you even think of that, this is just to show you that the government isn't even focusing on serious issues and playing around making these retarded laws.

Josh Ulrich said...

When I think about the punk ass government I think we have completely idiotic laws because somehow there are a people that do idiotic things. Now I know there are a lot of stupid laws, but only a few of them I agree with just because I know someone will want to do the unthinkable.
If I could change any law it would have to be the huge amount of taxes that we have to pay. I believe that it should be AGAINST the law to charge people a huge amount for something that would normally be almost half the price. An example of this, and I'm not endorsing the product, would be cigarettes. I personally hate cigarettes even though I of course smoke them. But on track, cigarettes in Ohio are $4.50 roughly a pack and in Kentucky they are $2.97 a pack. What I don't understand is how they are $7.97 here. I have also noticed it's mostly tax. Where in the hell does this tax come from?
The aftermath of getting taxes in general I believe would be a less corrupt government and people getting what they paid for instead of getting raped by trying to support the government.

colton said...

Yeah everyone hates taxes

samantha said...

Yah the baggy pants law is ridicoulous...because when i got arrested in chicago a cop said to me "There is more important crimes that i can be dealing with..." hmm yah they should probably get rid of that law.

Anonymous said...

I feel our laws are ridiculous because they don't apply/benefit us the way we feel they should.The people that are creating/enforcing these laws don't have to live by them.They're creating these things for themselves and not for citizens.
The law that I would want to change would be abortions.Not to be used as a everyday birth control,but to be used in cases of emergency.
For instence I have a friend that was the product of a rape.We've discussed these issues numerous of times and I understand were he's coming form.I could never say that I feel how he's feeling because I've never lived that life but I do have a better understing of why he is/feels the way he does.
Some people might disagree with this but you have to understand that things like rape,family memebers who rape each other.I mean all of these issues have an affect on abortions and the rights of women/girls.Teenagers and young children know what sex is but alot of them understand all that goes along with sex.Sex is a responsibility,not just a feeling.Understanding and educating peopel about sex and its risk is a tremendous issue.
I know that when I was in highschool sex education was a joke because half of the girls were already pregnant.What does this say about our society and what our society thinks about young/teenage and adult pregnacy.
The aftermath of this law will forever be an issue.There will always be some who disagree.To those peopel I would say,if it happened to you or your child how would you feel?Should you just let a child be born to be blamed,abused or left behind just because?I mean how does one justify that idea.There is no right or wrong answer to me.Everyone has a choice,even women/girls who are young......

Derrick said...

I would first like to say that I completely agree with Colt45 snd Josh, Some laws are only laws to censor the movement, and shut us up. But it's too late for silence, we need to, and will be heard.1 law I think is ridicoulous nad should no longer be a law is the whole marijuana topic. The government has it's own private strains of weed, but then it's not legal? True it is a gateway drug, but if a user doesn't have the will power to stop it's their fault. People should have complete control over what shit they try.Also,If it wasn't for weed, and other mind altering subatances, we wouldn't have the artistic genius we have. Music would be fucking boring, and art would just be pointless. Not to mention it's not nearly as harmful as tobacco or alcohol.Actually and this is fact, there has yet to be a death related to marujuana. But how many can be traced back to tobacco? Alcohol? If there is medicinal marijuana, why not recreational?

cduran246 said...

Legalizing weed would bring a lot more peace and less crime. True Story.

Derrick said...

If weed was to be lagalized I do think that it would get taxed, and become more expensive which is a problem until I get rich.

Derrick said...

weed is one of the sole reasons why we have so many tight asses in the government. If guys like Newt Ginrich amoked, Im pretty sure he would change completely.I just think that something so good, cant be bad.

Derrick said...

weed is one of the sole reasons why we have so many tight asses in the government. If guys like Newt Ginrich smoked, Im pretty sure he would change completely.I just think that something so good, cant be bad.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

What about medicinal use--Marinol. I'm surprised that isn't at least tested in the states. I live close to Canada and my mother used it when she had cancer, but we had to go over the bridge everyday. It was a pain.

I would improve rape laws. It's a problem that we don't have a solid definition of rape--like maritial rape is not considered rape. It's also a problem that women don't know about rape kits and that if they shower it won't work. We need to work harder to improve these laws.

Notso said...

I don't really know of any "ridiculous" laws. I know of bad politicians, and bad ideas, but for the most part I think laws are questionable. Some people that some laws are there for a purpose while others think there is no purpose to such law. I think it's in the eye of the beholder.
If I could change one law, it would be to legalize gay marriage. I just do not see a legal reason to withhold two consenting adults the right to marriage. I am glad that some states have been able to correct this, but I will be glad when it is a nationwide understanding.

colton said...

Yeah the herb laws really piss me off. Even if I didnt smoke weed I would still hate this law. I don't get how it is like semi legal in some states but in illinios if you have 10$ worth its a huge fine. Too many people are getting in major trouble that shouldn't be. They are paroling child molesters and rapists to make room for someone selling dope. Like I said before alcohol is way worse. The outcome of drinking is usualy D.U.I. girl getting raped, people in fights, abuse in familys...ect. This would not happen if people were just getting stoned. Also I don't see why the Government doesnt want to make some cash money off it. They could tax it so damn much and just about everyone I know smokes weed so im pretty sure they would make bank. probably more then cigaretts.

colton said...

I bet the people in the goverment blaze up all day.

Derrick said...

damn right more than cigarettes because people who smoke cigarettes smoke weed too.I just think that the government is fearful because legalizing weed, is the next step in the revolution.along with Obama.

cduran246 said...

Even cops sometimes take the weed if you are caught with it, and you know it. If you are caught with it and they let you go but take the "cannibus" you know they are gonna smoke it. There are crooked cops everywhere you go that's something else that they should be worried about.

Derrick said...

I know people that actually sell it to cops.

cduran246 said...

I think that if Obama gets in to the presidency, there are going to be a lot of problems due to the fact that he is the first African American president. I mean i want to vote for him i hope he beats McCain but i just feel there are going to be problems with the white supremicist's that are around. There are probably people who want to assisinate him if he becomes president.

cduran246 said...

You guys see what derrick said, he knows people who sell to cops. Now what does that tell you.

Derrick said...

Ill be waiting for them...

Notso said...

First I agree that the baggy pants law and the cell phone law are dumb. I also see though why some people think these laws are useful. It just seems to me that there are more important things going on in the world than the baggy pants epidemic.
Derrick, I have to disagree with on the whole drugs make art better. I know many artist who are great that didn't use drugs or made good art after they kicked their habit. You don't need drugs to be a good artist.
Taxes are terrible. Especially in Chicago. Everyone one I know says they are insane. I mean a bottled water tax? that's dumb. But Daley doesn't just pocket all the money the taxes help keep are city in good order which is good as a Chicagoan. If you're not though I can see how you can be pissed off.
I agree with Kristen. Of everything I dislike in this world, rape I hate the most. I can stand the idea of it. We should have much harsher laws for rapist and better programs for rape protection and prevention.