Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Over the past four weeks we have had about 7 lectures. Out of all the lectures we have been to what one was most beneficial to you? What did you learn? and why did you like it? Did any of them change the way you view things?


samantha said...

I think the lecture that was the paradoxes of technology. It made me realize that I don't need a new phone every year, and to think more green, and not just because "its like totally the in thing" but because i really want to find ways to help our enviorment, for example recycling more, and re using things. To me that lecture was the least boring out of all of them.

colton said...

The one about marketing communications was the most beneficial to me because that is my major. However I think that the most interesting one was the one about how we need to be green. It was interesting to see how all that stuff works.

Anonymous said...

Well I loevd the lecture with Shanita Akontande.She was very informative mainly because she's in the field that I want to get into.Shanita is in marketing and I'm so very excited about my career and getting toknow her throughout this college journey.
I feel very confident about the major that I've choosen.She kept the lecture hall students active and involved in what she was saying and doing.Shanita was also very informative and she had a list of things/accomplishments that she has on her resume.Shanita didn't change my views she made me want them even more.She was just so energectic about what she does for a living.She seemed to really be into it and that to me is someone who is happy with there choice of work.It just didn't seem like a job to her.You can tell that she was very passionate about her feild.
I loved everything about her.

colton said...

I think other then Marketing communications the green one was the only one I really learned something from like how if you recycle a bottle with the cap on they wont recycle it. I never would have known that and it is good to know.

Tiara said...

There's one that was least boring to me was, The Journey of Marketing Communication. Even though this is not my major she kept me enthused on the perceptions of marketing and the public relations on managing and images on a product. It was intersting. I wasnt there for the lecture about the environment, but to those that find that lecture interesting, would you consider picking up on (needing to be green)in the near future?

cduran246 said...

I think that the guy that talked about going green was the best. I felt that he made people realize that we are destroying our planet and we are the ones who need to make it better or else its just going to worsen. People might have said it was boring but they won't realize that they need to do something to save their own lives until the very last minute.

Derrick said...

I think I would've probably liked the environmental one best. Although I wasn't present you guys make it seem like that one was best. The rest were either boring, or didn't resonate with me at all.

Derrick said...

The going green one definitely because he has some of the same views I do. As far as us fucking the planet up daily, and not doing anything about it.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Why were the lectures "boring?" What would you like to see more of or what would you like to see done differently?

Josh Ulrich said...

I enjoyed the Green one also. I feel like I was a part of it because I never have the "in" crap. I've never had the money to be considered "in" in the first place. It made me feel like being a loser is the right thing. To me that's pretty tight. Not that I didn't understand what he was trying to say, I just found it amusing. I also thought he was pretty talented and actually took a second to prepare something for us to view instead of reading a paper they wrote who knows when.
All in all I think that most of the lectures were really good. I actually enjoyed most of them, which in itself may be odd to some people.

samantha said...

I think a lot of them were boring because I didn't really know what they were talking about and a lot of stuff just went over my head. I'm not sure if they could do anything differenty, because i know in the ammunity lecture she tried to you things to catch our attention for example the cookie monster, but i couldn't pay attention at all, i just wasn't interested.

Derrick said...

Every lecture was the same, it felt like they were just doing the required, the lecturers had to read off of paper, and I just felt like they tried to hard.