Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What is it about "you" that affects others?

This can be something that is positive or negative.

Why do people change from what they originally were into what they are now?


samantha said...

I don't think that I have an affect on others. For example me and my friends we pretty much all have similar personalities so it works out really well. And if i do have some sort of an affect on them they're probably not positive ones.

Anonymous said...

I'm the type of person thats self asured.I make a statement by being myself, and being ok with being myself.Most people want to blend in with other people's way of living.I don't care what people think or sya baout me.I believe that people change when your not like them sometimes.It's as if they want to accept you but there so into what they believe that they can't imagine someone being different from them.Besides that people are just jerks.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you feel that you don't have an affect on people.Why do you think your friends with the people that you no.Do you think that there just your friends because your all alike.I can't believe that.It has to be something about you that makes them wnat to be around you.Know one is that much alike.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Don't you think, Sam, that your listening to your friends and being supportive is positive?

samantha said...

I guess its because i say ridiculous things and am really abnoxious...AND dont care what people think...maybe they feel they can be whoever they want to be when they are around me, and they dont have to care about anything either.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

My friends are not like me. They are all much more outgoing than I am. I play the maternal role a lot. I drive home. I make sure they get to work on time. I cook and clean for them sometimes. I like to take care of people. In Buffalo I knew who I was and who my friends were--in Chicago, I'm not so sure I've really found a niche. I am more solo here. This kind of change seems necessary for me and the time I need to build my career and publish my work. It's also not exactly perfect because I have more time in my head and more time to second guess myself. I don't know why we change so much, but I'm relieved to think I will change.

Derrick said...

I think my thoughts and habits affect others in several ways. With friends my constatnt deeep thinking, and thought provoking questions prompt them to become more thoughtful without trying. Because they hear me doing it all the time.The affects can be both good and bad.When people around me start thinking too much for their own good, they tend to get confused, and not know what to say. I affect family members the same way. My younger brothers are already smart, and good thinkers. My only sister is quite the artist. I rub ofon my 13 year old brother the most i think. He sees me doing things, or saying things, and thinks it's the right thing to do. He saw me shooting dice once, and the next day he went to school and did this and ended up getting suspended. He then questioned the teachers intelligence, which are all things I do/did. i blame myself sometimes, because I just want him to be enlightened, but Hopefully he makes his own path.
I think people changewith times, and change because its inevitable. As Sam Cooke said"a change is gonna come"

Notso said...

I'm not sure why you is in quotations. Is there something beyond the physical self and what they do that can impact someone else? I'm not sure but I don't think I affect anyone. I guess I hope I don't affect anyone. I have my options and I like to help people but in the end I would hope they were who they were because that's who they want to be. It also comes down to what does affect mean. I would not want to influence anyone.
People change from who they were to who they are now because that's how life is. We as people change as surroundings, beliefs, and habits change. As you learn more you grow, change.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

It's interesting that all of you define as "individuals" but our curriculumm makes you question the validity of that individuality. Why do you think we keep insisting that you question something you don't think matters to you or has any bearings on the type of person you are?

Josh Ulrich said...

I don't know what about "me" affects others. Presummably negative. People change because they usually learn and know they should change unlike a lot of people.

I also believe we are all affected by what others say regaurdless of facades they say the have.

cduran246 said...

I don't think i have an affect on others but it all depends on the person. I think people change when they get older because thats when they find out who they truly are and who they want to be seen as. I changed alot in my third year of high school. I started dressing the way i wanted and acting different not the way my friends were dressing or viewing things. I was always the one who looked different out of my freinds.

Tiara said...

I can't really say I have an affect on others but be me. I have some positive and negative ways but i wouldn't consider it being affected. If I have an affect,ok, and so what and if not I wouldn't change nothing about me to make you like me or have an affect.That's not me.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

nick, do you think there is another "you?" some people think you are multiple...and not in a spiritual sense, but in that the self is composed of many selves.

colton said...
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colton said...

I feel like we have answered this question like 10 times.

colton said...

I feel like we have answered this question like 10 times.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

colton, we have looked at this question from several different angles. it's important to keep questioning. even to question our answers.