Homonyms are words that have similar pronunciations, but different meanings. Mistakes relating to homonyms are popping up all over your papers and blog posts. Can any of you list some homonyms and supply the multiple meanings?
Their, belonging to. There, a place. They're, they are. Phish, a band Phish, a term used for internet identity theft Fish, a fish, obviously. Or even Its, and It's. Its means they're describing or something, and it's shows possession, such as it is theirs.
This is a place where our thinking and our writing come into contact. More importantly, this is where we come into dialogue with each other. Use this blog to discuss, to practice critical thinking, and to generate new writing.
Their, belonging to.
There, a place.
They're, they are.
Phish, a band
Phish, a term used for internet identity theft
Fish, a fish, obviously.
Or even Its, and It's.
Its means they're describing or something, and it's shows possession, such as it is theirs.
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