This weekend I have friends in town, two of which attend Columbia and have their Columbia cards. I went to go check them in and all was going well until I had to show the security my ID. After seeing it, they said "oh, you can't have guests," immediately I replied "I pay $1,250 to NOT have guests?" They tell me it's not their problem. I was just curious as to how I pay the same as everyone else in the building, and yet I cannot have guests while others have them all the live long day. I would like for someone to show me where it is written that I cannot have guests because frankly I believe that is complete bullshit. Especially since two of the three go to Columbia, and the other goes to Loyola. I have seen people in the Bridge program have guests, so I am just utterly baffled. Is what they are doing legal? Can they rightfully tell me I cannot have guests when I pay for all this?
Is it an RA or someone who told you you can't have guests? On Monday, I'll ask Ames if she knows anything about the policy, but you may have signed something at some point. I understand your frustration about this and we can look into it further. During the school year, you'll want to know the exact policy on this too.
It was security, and it boggles my mind. It's not that big of a deal but I believe it is total crap. I plan on reading further into what I sign from now on.
Im not staying in the dorms but i think that its not fair that they can't have guests. If they payed the same amount as other kids that are in a different program or even kids attending columbia, and they are allowed to have people but they cant't i think that is very wrong. I think that they should talk to the person who manages the building but that is up to you. The guards do seem selective in who they let in with guests. I tried going in with derrick and some other people who are in the bridge program also and they told us that people in the bridge program ONLY cant have guests.
maybe they are keeping your nose to the grindstone.
Yeah it doesn't make any sense. We are supposed to be able to do everything a Columbia college student would be able to do. Why can't we have guests? Why are we underprivledged? It't not like we have done anything to make them not want us to have visitors.
We should all go and complain about it
Did you think when you turned 18 and went to college everything would be "adult" and "free?" Have you found that to be true?
We had to sign our guests in at SUNY Fredonia and, if you forgot to do it by 9 pm, they were kicked out. At U of Vermont, it was hard to have guests in the dorm too. Strange. Why do school restrict this?
I just don't see how it is legal. It's like my photo shows, communist. It seems very unreasonable. Regaurdless of who is working or not, it is not up to them. The security doesn't care, they just work there but I paid to have my rights here as I would at my house. There is no particular reason for such a rule and at that I have no agreed to such a childish freaking rule.
As for nose on the grind, I've heard people say that they do this because "the columbia students get distracted too easily." Okay I'm pretty sure that doesn't make a lick of sense. So the DePaul and Roosevelt students do not get distracted by guests, yet Columbia does? I mean that is the most rediculous thing I have EVER heard. A fucking school you attend does NOT determine your attention span to homework, and if it does I must be at the wrong damn school.
On top of that I am friends with almost everyone on my floor and we spend a lot of time dicking around, yet I get all my work done. So I have to say this wouldn't make any sense at all because we will still have guests, it's just that they actually attend bridge.
This is regoddamndiculous.
You guys should riot outside the UC i'll go too.......just joking but yea you guys should complain i know i would.
This is very interesting to me.Maybe something happened that they don't want to get out to a student recetly.Just make sure you ask the right people in your building, and find out what going on because you should be able to have guest as long no ones breaking the rules/guidelines of the building.
Have you been able to have guest prior to this event?
When I turned 18, I moved out on my own, paid my own bills, and worked a full time job. I expect to have the same treatment when I attend college since I actually understand how the damn world works, and this is NOT how it is. How can a college prepare us for the real world if they are taking it away from us so easily?
I believe schools do it because they are immature. I believe the people in charge never had friends and hate that we actually strive to create a network. One of the MAIN things they emphasize at the U.C. and ALL the Columbia books. It's HOGWASH, yes, HOGWASH!
I can see why they would be somewhat strict about having guests. If they just let whoever walk in and out as they please it could cause problems. It really comes down to our security. However I do feel that if you sign someone in and they show their id it shouldnt matter. Technically it is our appartment or whatever. We pay for it. If we want someone to come over that should be our right.
Let me know how your conversation goes about this. Do not feel like you are "labeled" by the school because you are in Bridge. You are the same as any other student--if not proving that you can work harder. As teachers, we generally respect you more if we know you went through Bridge--but we also don't usually know.
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