Monday, July 28, 2008

7/28 Blog Question 4

With all these advertisements trying to sell you things or grab your attention, do you feel that you are being attacked by all of this? Do you see this as a form of graffiti(vandilism)? What age group do you think that this mostly affects? Do you think that there is too much advertisement and that this is the only way for businesses to communicate with consumers?


samantha said...

I don't feel attacked by advertisements, it lets you know what is out there. It also helps businesses like the ones that me and you work at, if they didn't advertise there probably wouldn't be as much business = not as much money. It also lets you know what is out there. New bands, new clothing styles, new everything. I could never imagine our society with out advertisements.
Ya there are bad advertisements out there that say like oh our clothes are just for skinny people and stuff but that is who their advertising to, just like there are stores advertising for bigger girls, I don't know it's just all the same to me and doesn't really bother me, but I also don't pay attention to it that much.

colton said...

I don't feel like the advertisements effect me in any way. I do believe some people are very effected by them. I think some people feel like whatever the advertisments say they need they have to get. I also think that some advertisements make people think they need to be a certain way and make them feel insecure about themselves. Then people are buying whatever product makes them "in" or look good. I do think they try to trick you into thinking you need something when you really don't. I try not to pay attention to advertisements. If I need something it's because I need it not because a sign says I do

Josh Ulrich said...

I don't feel necessarily attacked, I just feel overwhelmed. Everyone wants money and will do almost anything to get it. It's kind of annoying and sickening at the same time to me. When I see ads painted on a building or something, it makes me wonder how people can object to graffiti. Creative graffiti at least, not gang graffiti. I feel advertisements are aimed at people from like eight all the way through our age, up to the adults. I feel advertisements are aimed at everyone, of course depending on the product.

Tiara said...

I don't feel attacked by advertisements not so much. In a way advertisements makes you feel less of your self knowing that you might can't afford something our you might could. Most people tend to feel that particular products has to be bought to look cool or feel rich or be looked a certain way in life or fashion. It's all for pleasure within your self to me.

Pity Reached by Sound said...


It's exciting to see all the new products. Do you think there was a need for them or was the need made by the product/advertising?


Is there any part of your image that is constructed by media or, do you think that some of your genuine image is sometimes "assumed" because of media influence? Like, do people look at you and assume that you are a certain way because of media?


Have you ever been to NYC? It's really overwhelming to see the lights and everything there. Different from Chicago.


This idea of self knowledge is interesting. How are we supported in self discovery and how are we unsupported? For instance, most health insurance plans do not cover psychological help. If you receive therapy, you can be denied health insurance later on. You get red flagged--what does that mean about self discovery in America?

Derrick said...

I would say that I do feel attacked and overwhelmed by all the ads and promotion going on in todays society. I don't think our country has ever been as commercial, and product oriented as we are today.
I believe that when a radio station has to reiterate the fact that they do play music and it's not just all ads is pretty sad. Today's society is completely watered down with advertisment and product placement. You can't watch tv for 20 damn minutes without seeing some stupid ass commercial, that has absolutely nothing to do with the product. The youth of todayare the main targets and is why they run these stupid ass commercials on stations youth watch. such as Mtv,VH1, Nickelodeon,etc.

colton said...

I don't think that people see me as a certain way. But I do notice that when I wear a phish or Grateful Dead shirt people always assume that you are into drugs. They think just because you like that music you have to like drugs. kind of like how people view goths. People think if you wear dark clothes and marylin manson shirts that you are some sort of freak. I try not to pay attention to peoples stupid opinions like that.

Josh Ulrich said...

I've never been to any other city really, except for Columbus. There is only a building or two with graffiti ads, which seems cool when it is just a couple of buildings. But over time it just looks so horrible, I rather see graffiti that isn't trying to sell me.
From the sounds of it, I think I would dislike New York City. It seems like it is way to much to take in, just like how Chicago was at first.

cduran246 said...

I would say I do feel attacked because, everywhere i go i feel like they are trying to either sell me something or get me to try something. I get tired of seeing ads everyday for example when the movie Sarah Marshall was coming out, I saw at least one or two ads everyday for that damn movie. I got really annoyed by it. The Business industry is like a big tagging crew, trying to take up every spot they can to put thier ads. I mean its ok to have a couple but not 20 to 30 ads on every block.

Josh Ulrich said...

I agree with Colton. Interests automatically place you in a "group," even when you know you are not apart of it. I myself try not to even wear my band shirts because people expect me to be an idiot with no control over themselves, like I live only what I hear. It's dumb to me. I love wearing what I like, but it just gets so played out because people disrespect you and it's just like, really?

Pity Reached by Sound said...

You are talking to each other! How wonderful. Japan is pretty endowed with ads...and technology. What do you think about that? Does it change your idea of American culture? Asian culture?