Thursday, July 24, 2008

7/28 blog question II

As we compare each book that we are reading, we see the characters as a representation of society. However, in society we don't see the characters in our books as what we should attain to. My question is, why do we focus (media focus, ambition, economic focus, etc.) on the top five percent?


Derrick said...

I would say because of the way that the media has somewhat of a control over peopls thoughts and ways of life. There asre countless cases of people stalking celebritities, and even making a living impersonating them.

colton said...

I think we focus on the top five percent because it is what most people want to be. They make us think that being rich and successful is the only way to be happy. Many people think they need to go to work to make money so they can buy the most expensive pair of jeans or the nicest car. Most people feel like they have to prove themselves to everyone. This makes people do things that doesnt really make them happy just so they can look happy.

Kate Brady said...

As a consequence, does anyone pay attention to the bottom 5 percent? What are and aren't people seeing, ignoring, celebrating, etc?

Josh Ulrich said...

What exactly is the top five percent? I haven't ever heard this term used indirectly, or directly unless it was math. As for our characters in society, I believe we don't see them because we don't look close enough. Each character came out of society, which makes them a part of it. But also people can represent our characters in ways such as; their mindstate, their hobby, or their appearence. Our characters represent how society can treat someone, and how that treatment affects who they are.

Kate Brady said...

How would each of you define the top 5 percent? What kind of people are they? What stereotypes are there to examine?

Josh Ulrich said...

I wouldn't really define the top 5 percent. From what I've read, for example Billionairs, are not really definable except for that they are usually "nerds." So all in all I guess it would just be that if I had to define it.

Tiara said...

Society is more focused on what suppose to happen and what's looked at mostly than what we see on our own. My character in society today would el the way we live is more real than old age or as aztecs lived in. Compared to how they live, and the way society wants us to live we could never fit or put our self in the category of unrealistic life. In fact, what we read in a book grasp our attention as to WHY we don't see this in everyday life. Why is we not informed that society could be changed from different perceptions.

samantha said...

I've never heard of the term the "top five percent" relating to our society.
If i saw someone in reall life that was like a character in my book i probably wouldn't pay much attention to them, I wouldn't take the time to understand them and what they go through. After reading the book though it made me realize I should stop and take a while to understand other people and how they live, it could be interesting.

Tiara said...

What i meant was my character in society would feel unwelcomed in the way we live

Anonymous said...

I feel that society want's us to be aware of whats important to them. It's like we as people don't even have to think for ourselves anymore.Everything is at the push of a button. When a man like Eustace comes around peole are shocked and in dis-belief.
The majority of people focus on the top five percent because that is what were taught. We're taught to want to recieve a good education so that we can obtain that "good job". Someone who doesn't have these things is looked at as a slacker or someone who doesn't have a say in "the world" because they're not living by the worlds views.
Besides all that, glits and glamour appeals to us. We want that nice car and fancy house. We want to have the finer things in life. I think we all are guilty of that in some form or fashion. But I also think that it takes an extraordinary person to put all those things aside and appreciate whats right infront of them.

Anonymous said...

Success comes in all forms. Some people that are successful haven't recieved a college degree while others have.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Derrick, how does impersionation relate to the question of representation? Are people impersonating because they feel marginalized and want to be a part of "the norm?" What about people who impersonate Eustace and "outsiders" like him?

Colton, good answer, but assess it. Why does this happen and what effects does it have?

Josh, the top five percent are the very few who afford the lifestyle being advertised to us on a daily basis without being stressed. They hold the money and power in the states. Your last part of the answer is strong--push into that. Also, think about what kind of "power" you characters have that the top five wouldn't have.

Tiara, can you talk about what kind of change you'd like to see and how we could become informed about this?

Samantha, this kind of attentiveness is what the lecture about On the Road was trying to say--we need to slow down and journey (not only inwardly, but in a way that connects us to other people).

Alexis, this is a strong answer. Can you give us an example from your book about how Eustace has success?

cduran246 said...

We focus on the top 5 percent because we are brainwashed to thinking we have to live or be a certain way. Which is not true, you should be who you want to be and live how you want. I would define the top 5 percent as:
1. Rich
2. Beauty
3. Fame
4. Intellegence
5. Respect