Wednesday, July 30, 2008

7/31 question 2

If you could go anywhere in the world and make a change where would you go? Why this place?What would you do there?


colton said...

If I could go anywhere in the world and make a change I would probably go to Iraq and stop the war. I would pull out every soldier and help everything get back to normal. I think we have been fighting this war for too long and it needs to end. Too many people are being killed for stupid reasons.

samantha said...

This is a really hard question to answer because there are so many places in the world that need help. Maybe some place where where women have no rights. I would want to help them change the way they think, and show them that they all deserve to have equal rights as the men. Make them relize that they could have an education and have jobs other than just having children and working in a house all day. Where they wouldn't have to cover up their whole body with shalls.
It would be really difficult to change a woman prespective on life and living that way after so many years.

Anonymous said...

For starters I would try to make changes right here in the city of Chicago.
I choose this place because this my home town and there are problems that need to be addressed here.They're many issues right here that involve schools,poverty,low income, teen pregnacy,etc that need to be dealt with. These same problems do occurs in other place as well but why not try to make a difference at home. That way when you introduce a resolution you'll have something that you can say that you've been involved in in your home town.So befor going off to other states or countries I think it's best to help home.
For starters i would offer my services to schools,colleges as well as youth organizations so people would get a better understanding of what it is that I wanted to do. I would discuss issues about sex,home life,being the child of divorce parents, peer pressure.Basically anything that was or is on a student/persons mind.
I would just like to be a person that not just listens but understands why or what makes a person make the decisions that they make in life.What drives you to be you.Alot of peopel make suggestions about what they think, but until you understand or at least give it some thought you'll never be able to really help a person or a situation.
What area of your life are you most proud of? What drives or motivates you to stand out and want to achieve? Do you really no who you are?

Josh Ulrich said...

I would go to where I grew up and help everyone. I don't know how I would but if I could, that would be it. The neighbors I had when I grew up in the ghetto still to this day live there and have the same quality life. My old house is even boarded up with uncut grass and tree branches fallen everywhere. It's unbelievable the way our government treats people that deserve so much more. That is why I would want to make a change, but I don't know how I would be able to do that.
What if you were in one of these places that needed help? Would you want the help or accept it? Or would you just want to live the way you were raised because you are accustomed to it?

cduran246 said...

If I had the Chance to go to anywhere in the world, I would probably go to North Korea. I would go to help all the people that have to suffer under the rule of Kim Jong. He has done so many crimes and killed so many people.

Tiara said...

It's hard to think of a specific place because the world needs a dramatic change. I would go around the world and help people realize racism is not neccesray. Why we just can't come as a whole? why are we teaching our children to hate and discriminate? We work with every race. This world is so diverse, there no reason to hate. I would want people to realize that because life is short. you have to live it to the fullest.

Pity Reached by Sound said...


can you think of a place that already has full equality? Do you know about kibbutz systems in Israel and how they seek to have gender equality or how Marxism and some socialism efforts have tried to have equality through neutrality?

Notso said...

I would go to London. What I would change is myself. A friend of mine went to London a she loved it. When she told me all about it, in several stories, I fell in love. My home is in Chicago, but in my heart I wanted to be in UK. I could go there and reinvent myself, who I am and how I am. I can develop my art and just be free.

Derrick said...

If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to the country where mankind started, and find out exactly what country in Africa I come from. The exact tribe, or clan, and find out what language is spoken. I think I would go to my original country because I think you can't move foward if you don't know where you come from. While here, I would meet my distant relatives,and help out anyway I can.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Some of the places that are the most nonviolent or the "happiest" like Denmark (which, according to BBC is teh happiest place on Earth--read article here are strange because they are homogeneous cultures. This means they don't deal with race as an issue because everyone is the same race; they don't deal with poverty because everyone has the same standard of living; and they don't really have upset because they are like minded. What does this mean?

samantha said...

When I think of Isreal I think of all my friends who live there. They are all in the army, but if you know about isreal everyone has to join the army. Men and women all train the same, and are all pretty much treated the same while being trained. I actually kind of like their system in their army everyone is pretty much equal.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Do we have an obligation to where we're from?

Derrick said...

I agree with Colt45,The war in Iraq is pure bullshit and has gone on for long enough. Thats another place I would want to go, jus to see what it's actually like, and to bring all the troops home. Because in my opinion the armed forces are doing more harm than good, and their dying by the dozens out there.

Pity Reached by Sound said...


Yes, everyone has to join the army. But the kibbutz system is different--it's about living together as a community and sharing. It's an interesting social project and South America has tried it too.

colton said...

I guess one place to make a change would be right here in Chicago. I would try to help everyone stuck in the projects and try to stop all the crime and murder happening right now. I don't think we need to go to other countries to find problems. We have many things we could change about our country. Like we were talking about yesterday America has the most AIDS out of any country. That is really scary. I would try to fix these problems first before going somewhere else.

samantha said...

I think that would be interesting if America had something like that. I don't think we really try living together, like helping each other out. There's to much prejiduces still to work I think. If that makes sence I dont know.