Wednesday, July 30, 2008

7/31 question

Think of a time when something happened to you that changed your life forever. What did this do to you? How did it make you feel? What was the aftermath of this incident? Was it good?


Josh Ulrich said...

When my mother met my current step father, I always thought I hated him. He always made me eat with my mouth closed, or he'd get on my ass. He would make sure I spoke properly and acted right. As we lived with him over the last decade, he's been extremely helpful to my family, including taking us out of the ghetto and into the suburbs. We were always poor so this was like a new way of life for me especially. This made me a more thoughtful person and it helped me enjoy what life has to offer. The aftermath I guess would be living a better life and being a family with a father. I think that is extremely good.
How could a bad incident create a good aftermath?

Josh Ulrich said...
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colton said...

I suppose one thing that has changed my life is attending Columbia. It has changed my life because I am much more motivated and excited for school. In high school I really didn't give a fuck. I would always blow off assignments and mess around in class. I would always dread wrting assignments and math problems ect. Now it doesn't bother me at all. I acutally enjoy writing most of the time. I feel like I am more motivated and Columbia has changed my life forever because now I am able to look at school in a different way.

Notso said...

When I was in eighth grade a friend of mine ask me to come to church with him during Easter weekend. Not being the religious type I was hesitant to go. he said it'd be fun and he hadn't steered me wrong yet so I went. I met the group formally on Friday, played games with them on Saturday, and went to Easter service on Sunday. It was fun. From there I kept going to church almost every Sunday and eventually i became a Christian. That pretty much changed every aspect of my life. I thought, spoke, and did things differently. I'm happy with the direction I chose in life and I feel it has made me a better person.

samantha said...

I would have to say when I was adopted by my parents. Even though I was a couple weeks old when I was given up I realize more now how it changed my life. If i wasn't given up I could have had a really crappy life, I would have never had the experiences I have had and the oppertunities I've had. When i was young and was starting to understand more that i was adopted it still didn't meen a whole lot to me, I just knew i had a great life. Now I don't take any of my oppertunities for granted, because I know if I wasn't adopted I wouldn't have near as much as I do now. I am very greatful for what I have and for my family. I still would love to meet my biological parents to get an idea of what my life would have been like and what my background is.

colton said...

To answer Josh's question I guess one way a bad incident could create a good aftermath is if a student or anyone was in trouble with drugs, hanging out with bad friends, or whatever. I think getting arrested or maybe expelled from school or going to rehab is a shitty expereince but could deffintly benefit some people. It could completely turn someones life around. I have meet people who were always getting in to trouble. Once they finally got caught and did their punishment they came out looking at life in a different way. Also my brothers good friend in high school got addicted to heroine. His life was horrible for a couple of years until he got arrested. He was put in jail then put into a rehab. He came out clean and hasent touched heroine since. He said it was the best thing that could have ever happend to him.

Derrick said...

When I was about 12,I started to question the cirriculum and what was being left out in my history class. I asked my teacher at least twice a week if she could put more history about blacks, and other races as well. Everytime she replied "in due time". So I eventually got tired of asking her, and figured I would take matters into my own afternoon while the class was at lunch, my friend Imon and I snuck into the room, and took her grade book, her book with her lesson plans and did some "creative tweeks".
The next day I asked her one more time if she could take some intiative, and add some history about the class's ancestory and history into the lesson plan. her exact words were"That's not my job"...This incident alone shaped and molded my view on the Milwaukee public school system. I now knew that it was up to me to educarte myself, abnd that I counld'nt depend on who I should be able to. The frustartion and anger I felt at such a young age is one of the main reasons why Im such a hostile, blunt person today. But nonetheless the effect is somewhat bittersweet because now I have the knowledge, but I didn't like the way I had to obtain it.

Pity Reached by Sound said...

It seems like family is a pretty big determinant in our life and, maybe, who we are. With such a large population, some people and news groups are talking about limiting the sizes of families (like they did in China)--do you think that's a good idea? Do you think there should be more support for families so that they can shape their children properly? France has nannies come for free and checks in to make sure there are no questions about parenting. What do you think about that?

Pity Reached by Sound said...

Derrick, self education is part of college. You are introduced to things and you'll begin to find your interests, but you do have to seek them out. Try to find a teacher who you can ask for reading suggestions from or who you can have a conversation with about the things that matter to you.

cduran246 said...

A time that changed my life was probably when i started high school. I turned into a completley different person. In grammar school i always had good grades and always at school, but when i go to high school, i was always getting into trouble and ditching school. It really messed me up and i almost didn't graduate on time due to my grades. I was always getting to trouble with cops for stupid things. I feel that my senior year of high school i matured a lot more and coming to Columbia also helped out a lot. Music is something else that kept me out of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Well one thing that changed my life the most was when my parents got a divorced.Even though I was older it did affect me.Not that the change was negative or positive.It to me was just a part of my life that was meant to be.
I feel this way because I'm close to both of my parents.I'm a daddy's girl and a mommas baby.So I didn't hold a grudge on either of them because they had to make a choice on there feelings,
Although I do feel that parents should give the children some thought in the decisions that they make on wether they want to be together or not.Parents also need to make sure that there not trying to make there children choose one or the other.Let these decisions be there's and not yours.
This was definately a good change because two people shouldn't be together just for there children.Children see things that sometimes parents aren't aware of.
I love my life one hundred percent because having two successful parents has been a advantage for me, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Pity Reached by Sound said...


According to most science, we are most unstable in our adolescence. Like, we are closest to chemical imbalance and, as a result, instability. So, when we don't feel like ourselves at that age, it's because we are going through so many changes and our hormones and body chemicals are making us kind of crazy. Of course there is a change in our behavior and self at this time.

Tiara said...

My father always knew he had a daughter. Time and time he was in and out of my life. When me and my mom stay in contact with him, she had to beg him to spend time with me. He got married and made a whole new family. Most of my life I had to track him down just so he could consider me in his new family. Time to time I would visit, but that was not good enough. Now becasue he realizes now he really don't have a say so in my life he tries to be apart of it now. It's hard to respect him but what the Hell why should I care. Now I interact with his wife my step brothers and sisters more than I do with him. I feels offened but what could he say, he should of did his part. This changed the way that I look at my father now because i'm older and i understand. I kind of keep my distance now.

Pity Reached by Sound said...


It's hard when we have to choose whether or not a person is positive for our life.

Have the rest of you had to do this with a friend or with anyone else?