Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Character: Pearline

I guess I would be most like Pearline, from Ghost Dog because she carries around a bag of books and, some of them, she hasn't read but still seems connected to because of the images or the ideas in the books. Pearline seems to want a lot--she wants Ghost Dog to be her friend, she wants to understand the way the world works, she wants to be able to explain her thoughts. Pearline, sometimes, lives in her head and the world of ideas.
Also, I feel like a kid most of the times. I feel like I don't understand how to be an adult and I don't understand why we have to do things like wear shoes or wait to eat dessert until after dinner. I feel like being a kid makes more sense than being an adult--I see being an adult as a social construct--as something that goes against our nature most of the times.
In the scene where Ghost Dog, Pearline, and the French ice cream guy are talking and nobody understands each other, I think that scene is like what happens every time I talk to anyone. There's so much translation to do, so much that we can't express that we are thinking. Somehow they all still talk to each other, eat ice cream, and play chess.

1 comment:

Josh Ulrich said...

I understand how it's hard to communicate to people without them giving you a "what on Earth are you talking about face," because I myself get that look often. When I can't convey a thought to the reader, I feel like I have to jam the idea into there mind because it makes sense to me. I also believe that being an 'adult' is somewhat overrated, because I've noticed no adult is what they claim to be mature. It's relaxing to know that we are all in this together, and the expectations for us to be an adult can still be achieved, with the kid side still prevailing.