Tuesday, July 22, 2008

These Tigers show some part of how i feel .
Most of the time I feel free. I want out. I feel so trapped in a place that wouldn't even allow me to breath. Why me? Could I just be me? I want to do things that interest me. Go away!! Stop jugding me! I'm only one person, let me be!!! Stop crowding around telling me what to do. I'm furious and in rage, I can't think straight. Just let go it's getting old. Just FREE ME!! I wouldn't mind being a tiger to show how strong minded I could be.


Pity Reached by Sound said...

This kind of internal examination is very interesting writing. It seems like there is an issue with expression--like the difficulty of expression. Try, in the beginning, to use your own terms, to use your own language and see how the "academy" responds to that. If you are finding that something else is being expected of you, see how you can translate your terms into the terms your teacher or peers are speaking in. As cliche as it might sound, reading is the best way to begin learning more about expression and more about "how" to say things. When you are reading, especially for the classes you are in, you are learning a new frame of thinking. The books are chosen for courses to "model" how the teacher wants you to think and write and react to a class. This doesn't mean you have to become the teacher and start thinking and talking like them--we are not making puppets or robots and we respect your individuality--it does mean that we expect some flexibility and some willingness to try using a new language. What you have done here, what you have done by using an image and then using and "interior monologue" with rhetorical questions, is very SOPHISTICATED writing. It shows a student who is thinking, who is struggling. It shows you as a whole and complicated person. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

This picture speaks volumes to me. It's wild, alive and brave. But more then anything this photo screams: power and strength. Their at each others throat, but this is life for them. This is the way they show their strength.
We as people show our strength by being aggressive and assertive. Our battles are just potrayed in a different form. For example we fight our battles using our legal system. Animals fight to death to establsih to become leaders of thier jungle/territory.
I love this photo because it's a moment caught off guard. It's real life and real beauty.

Josh Ulrich said...

I feel like you have the power to be free from people holding you back. You just can't let people step on you when you feel you are righteous in a situation, especially if it's for the better.